Privacy policy

Data protection information according to Art. 13 GDPR
Responsible body
SV-Lollar e.V.

If you have any questions about data protection, please contact us at the postal address given in the imprint.

Data processing on our website and other online offers
Log files when accessing our website
When our website is accessed, log files are created to analyze errors and security incidents. These are only stored for a few days to weeks and are then automatically deleted.

We use BPLACED as an external service provider to host our website. The log files are stored there.

Data processing in the context of our association work
Member administration
Member data (name, date of birth, place of residence, account data) is only processed by the respective functionaries of our association for the fulfillment of their assigned tasks. In detail, this means

If the Executive Board requires member data in order to carry out its tasks, it may access all member data required for this purpose. This includes competition organization in particular.
The treasurer processes the member data required for the collection of membership fees, and the treasurer processes the member data relevant for the cash audit. These are first name, surname, postal address and bank details with payment data and, if applicable, access to the direct debit authorization including signature, so